Hi all,
I am sending you these links, as 99% of them are to do with Geo-engineering, Chemtrails and Haarp.
18 months ago, if you had presented these to me, I would have thought you mad. However, after 18 months of my own research and seeing Chemtrails with my own eyes, I now believe this is happening in our world.
What is tragic about Geo-engineering is that you and I, our families AND OUR CHILDREN are being adversely affected by the chemicals that are being sprayed from our skies. They are poisoning HUMAN BEING, the soil and our water supplies.
I am nobody, in that I am one human being. I do not have your power in our world, nor do I have influence, like you do.
All I know, is geo-engineering is immoral and wrong. It is killing you, me and our children. Yet, no one is doing a thing to prevent it!
When I was a child and learning about the 1st and 2nd world wars, I could not understand why the people of the day allowed these wars to happen. Now I know why! Apathy, ignorance and the killer, indifference! Well, I cannot be any of these human vices. Even if it means
danger to me personally.
You see, one day, I will meet my maker, just like you will and I truly want to stand before my maker and say, I did all I could do to make a positive difference in my world.
I can only do this, if I spread the information I have learnt in the last 18 months. Why am I doing this? Because I need to have a clear conscience that I did my best for me and
my fellow Human Beings, while I lived on Earth. I am not an important Human Being, in life’s terms. However, I am as important as every other Human Being to my maker.
Please don’t get me wrong here, I am not the most spiritual or religious of Human Beings, however, I do care and love the people of our world and the world God made for all of us.
You may already have decided I am a nut case and if you have, I am ok with that. I have ploughed a lonely furrow for the last 50 years of my life. I do not and have not followed “The Crowd”!
I am grateful I haven’t. I am grateful that God made me just as I am.
However, as you are in a position of power, my need is that you at least investigate Geo-engineering and why Geo-engineering is happening!
Plus and more importantly that you STOP geo-engineering happening over Ireland’s air space, like NOW!
I have a few theories as to why they are happening. However, you need to discover why, for yourself and to come to your own conclusions.
Even if one of these conclusions is that I am mad or whatever! In my truth, I question myself and what I’ve learnt, A LOT! However, the evidence on the internet cannot
all be wrong! Just read Revelations in the Bible. I am not a religious fanatic, but I do believe that it is the HUMAN BEING that is more IMPORTANT than money, position, status or
any such bull!
I would like to see my grandchildren, who have yet to be born. I am sure you would too. If you want health, safety and a fulfilling life for those you love, then look at these links.
Oh and by the way, the EU also has acknowledged the reality of Geo-engineering!
Just in case you missed it above!
Also radiation from Fukushima is huge and you need to protect your children and your loved ones as best you can from this radiation and yourselves.
Please do your own research, don’t believe one word I’ve written here, if that is your need. Check out for yourself what is happening Globally.
Oh and we need to STOP paying the bondholders, like NOW! Please start looking at the big picture here!
I sent the above email to these TD's;
Michael Noonan
Sean Barrett
Michael Conaghan
Micheál Martin
Aengus O'Snodaigh
Anthony Lawlor
Tom Hayes
Jonathan O'Brien
Pearse Doherty
Trevor O'Clochartaigh
Stephen Donnelly
Joe Higgins
Eamonn Gilmore
Vincent Gibbin
Willie O'Dea
Kevin Humphreys
Barry Cowen
Noel Coonan
Joan Collins
Alan Farrell
Finian McGrath
Robert Troy
This blog is about how I experience & perceive life. My wish is that, just maybe, it can give you a different view of Loving, laughing & living ;)
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
United we stand, divided we fall and we are falling................
Hi all,
I started doing research when a tutor of mine mentioned 2012 way back in 2010. He said it was the coming of a world full of love. Before my graduation that year, I started digging. The more I dug, the more I found.
Now you know, I am all about love, but what I discovered, is not about love. (Having said that, go look at the last 3 links I’ll add to this letter for you).
It is my belief that the information we need to wake up is out there & all we need to do is to look for the information. By the way, waking up I discovered isn’t just about doing so psychologically & emotionally! It is about waking up to all expressions of self! Waking up is painful as it breaks down our own illusions about ourselves & what we believe to be true.
However, the truth will set you free. Albeit painful at times! I wouldn’t be sending you these links unless I thought & believed there was truth in them. Now I believe if we do not take positive, mature & peaceful action & unite,
we will go through even more hardship, than we are going through now. Just step back and look at what is happening Globally in the economic world. Unelected Goldman Sachs people are now in Government in Greece & Italy! WHY?
For that matter why are the Irish Government paying them huge consultancy fee’s when they are some of the bondholders?!?
This link is really for Barry & as I work in this area it is for me too!
In my opinion, this will take the focus off the Gov.'s/Troika’s fraud of us! Think Police state, because social welfare fraud is NOT what they say it is. They use absurd figures that are makey uppy to get their figure of €600,000.00 fraud, seriously! Look at it logically, if there was that much fraud it means me and all my colleagues are not doing our job! Trust me, the majority of us are! Oh & Troika are behind this!
NB Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control 1/5 - YouTube
And NB too
Anonymous emails from air line staff
Their site
Always a great read
Swine Flu con
And did you know that a number of US Presidents are related to Queen Liz!
An Irish journalist
This is a good site Oh & start eating raw veg & even grow your own! Eat cherries & alkaline your bodies, these will assist your immune system to be stronger against the assault's our bodies are under. Organic Wheatgrass alkalises the body, but find out more about this yourselves.
Chemtrails, Haarp, Fluoridation of our water supply, vaccinations & the coming of monsanto seeds are to dumb us down & kill us off. These are the reasons for increased Autism, dementia, cancers, arthritis etc. Just look at all fizzy drinks & artificial sweeteners, they have a chemical in them called ASPARTAME. Break up this word and see the metaphor “As Par TAME” ! Don’t believe me, go do the research yourselves. I have spent the last 18 months researching this & it is time for action folks, because if we do not unite very soon, we will be very ill or dead!
I actually don’t mind if you all think I have gone mad, because I thought my own father mad for over 30 years when he spoke of the New World Order, I now believe him! In the last two days my research is bringing me to places that both scare me but also cause me to become angry, anger is my own bodies unique guide that will bring me into action for myself and I do need it’s energy! There seems to be a very strong relationship between the New World Order & the Nazi’s. Don’t shut down when you read this, question me, go seek out the truth for yourselves.
It was here I first looked & in a nut shell, there is to be 3 days of darkness this year, as there will be a pole shift. Ask yourself why someone would do the “zetatalk” paper, if there wasn’t some element of truth? Plus there are huge planet alignments this year. Go look for the evidence.
Kiesha Crowther habla sobre el 2012. SUBTITULADO EN ESPAñOL – YouTube
Also read the messages from Medjugorje
Medjugorje WebSite - Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages and Apparitions
I think it is the one dated the 25th September 2011 that says “Everything is falling apart” & it is.
There is a lot of information here, so take your time, as it may over whelm you.
I have been sending this information out for a long time now & it is not making a difference, in that no action is been taken. I’ve blogged about this
& I started an on-line meeting group, called The Gathering, so that we can take positive action for ourselves and it too is going no where! I’ve also written to Government & that has no impact whatsoever! I feel somewhat defeated, however, I know I now need to take action for myself. This will be the last email with links I will send to you all. (In truth, this is the first time some of you are getting these links!).
If any of you want to take your own action, here is a list of radio stations around Ireland, go spread it this way, if that is your choice!
RadioStationWorld - Ireland - Radio Station Websites
Mostly in my experience human beings are afraid to speak about this. This is THE BIG LIE folks, hence it is hard to believe. I know, I’ve lived it for 18 months now. I often question my own sanity, but why is there so much of this information out there
if this is a hoax? Why is there a Global financial crisis? Why did 9/11 happen? Why do the US want to now invade Iran? Why do the presidents of America & politicians & even the Pope last year talk about a New World Order? Ask yourself who gains from Global warming? Why we have little sunshine? Is it the 1% who will gain from all of this? Who are the 1%?
Would you believe this is not the way God intended the world to be! God did mean for us to wake up & shine our light of love. Now before your eyes really glaze over, I’ll finish. Please do look at these links & share this information.
Thank you all for being a unique part of my life, each of you has taught me much and for that I am grateful
For those of you who did show up to The Gathering meetings, thank you. I need to be clear here, The Gathering meetings have ended. (5 to 7 people showed up to the 2nd last meeting & 3 last Thursday night!).
My gratitude & sincere thanks to Joe @onlinmeetings (Twitter) & for hosting these meetings for free for me/us.
With love & hope,
P.S. This is an email I sent today.
I started doing research when a tutor of mine mentioned 2012 way back in 2010. He said it was the coming of a world full of love. Before my graduation that year, I started digging. The more I dug, the more I found.
Now you know, I am all about love, but what I discovered, is not about love. (Having said that, go look at the last 3 links I’ll add to this letter for you).
It is my belief that the information we need to wake up is out there & all we need to do is to look for the information. By the way, waking up I discovered isn’t just about doing so psychologically & emotionally! It is about waking up to all expressions of self! Waking up is painful as it breaks down our own illusions about ourselves & what we believe to be true.
However, the truth will set you free. Albeit painful at times! I wouldn’t be sending you these links unless I thought & believed there was truth in them. Now I believe if we do not take positive, mature & peaceful action & unite,
we will go through even more hardship, than we are going through now. Just step back and look at what is happening Globally in the economic world. Unelected Goldman Sachs people are now in Government in Greece & Italy! WHY?
For that matter why are the Irish Government paying them huge consultancy fee’s when they are some of the bondholders?!?
This link is really for Barry & as I work in this area it is for me too!
In my opinion, this will take the focus off the Gov.'s/Troika’s fraud of us! Think Police state, because social welfare fraud is NOT what they say it is. They use absurd figures that are makey uppy to get their figure of €600,000.00 fraud, seriously! Look at it logically, if there was that much fraud it means me and all my colleagues are not doing our job! Trust me, the majority of us are! Oh & Troika are behind this!
NB Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control 1/5 - YouTube
And NB too
Anonymous emails from air line staff
Their site
Always a great read
Swine Flu con
And did you know that a number of US Presidents are related to Queen Liz!
An Irish journalist
This is a good site Oh & start eating raw veg & even grow your own! Eat cherries & alkaline your bodies, these will assist your immune system to be stronger against the assault's our bodies are under. Organic Wheatgrass alkalises the body, but find out more about this yourselves.
Chemtrails, Haarp, Fluoridation of our water supply, vaccinations & the coming of monsanto seeds are to dumb us down & kill us off. These are the reasons for increased Autism, dementia, cancers, arthritis etc. Just look at all fizzy drinks & artificial sweeteners, they have a chemical in them called ASPARTAME. Break up this word and see the metaphor “As Par TAME” ! Don’t believe me, go do the research yourselves. I have spent the last 18 months researching this & it is time for action folks, because if we do not unite very soon, we will be very ill or dead!
I actually don’t mind if you all think I have gone mad, because I thought my own father mad for over 30 years when he spoke of the New World Order, I now believe him! In the last two days my research is bringing me to places that both scare me but also cause me to become angry, anger is my own bodies unique guide that will bring me into action for myself and I do need it’s energy! There seems to be a very strong relationship between the New World Order & the Nazi’s. Don’t shut down when you read this, question me, go seek out the truth for yourselves.
It was here I first looked & in a nut shell, there is to be 3 days of darkness this year, as there will be a pole shift. Ask yourself why someone would do the “zetatalk” paper, if there wasn’t some element of truth? Plus there are huge planet alignments this year. Go look for the evidence.
Kiesha Crowther habla sobre el 2012. SUBTITULADO EN ESPAñOL – YouTube
Also read the messages from Medjugorje
Medjugorje WebSite - Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages and Apparitions
I think it is the one dated the 25th September 2011 that says “Everything is falling apart” & it is.
There is a lot of information here, so take your time, as it may over whelm you.
I have been sending this information out for a long time now & it is not making a difference, in that no action is been taken. I’ve blogged about this
& I started an on-line meeting group, called The Gathering, so that we can take positive action for ourselves and it too is going no where! I’ve also written to Government & that has no impact whatsoever! I feel somewhat defeated, however, I know I now need to take action for myself. This will be the last email with links I will send to you all. (In truth, this is the first time some of you are getting these links!).
If any of you want to take your own action, here is a list of radio stations around Ireland, go spread it this way, if that is your choice!
RadioStationWorld - Ireland - Radio Station Websites
Mostly in my experience human beings are afraid to speak about this. This is THE BIG LIE folks, hence it is hard to believe. I know, I’ve lived it for 18 months now. I often question my own sanity, but why is there so much of this information out there
if this is a hoax? Why is there a Global financial crisis? Why did 9/11 happen? Why do the US want to now invade Iran? Why do the presidents of America & politicians & even the Pope last year talk about a New World Order? Ask yourself who gains from Global warming? Why we have little sunshine? Is it the 1% who will gain from all of this? Who are the 1%?
Would you believe this is not the way God intended the world to be! God did mean for us to wake up & shine our light of love. Now before your eyes really glaze over, I’ll finish. Please do look at these links & share this information.
Thank you all for being a unique part of my life, each of you has taught me much and for that I am grateful
For those of you who did show up to The Gathering meetings, thank you. I need to be clear here, The Gathering meetings have ended. (5 to 7 people showed up to the 2nd last meeting & 3 last Thursday night!).
My gratitude & sincere thanks to Joe @onlinmeetings (Twitter) & for hosting these meetings for free for me/us.
With love & hope,
P.S. This is an email I sent today.
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